Creation and Sabbath Rest

In response to several inquiries regarding my sabbatical, I have shared that I have a new understanding of Genesis 2:1-3 which tells us that on the 7th day God rested. Indeed the word "sabbatical" comes from this understanding of "Sabbath."

Recently a colleague laughed when I told him that for my sabbatical I followed the pattern found in Genesis and rested. He asked if I thought I was God. I don't want to be misunderstood when I say that "like God, I rested on my Sabbath." I long ago gave up any notion of trying to be "God of the Universe." I am content, rather, to simply do what I can for the Glory of God.

And yet there is a poweful reminded in the Creation Story (Day Six) that God has created you and I in the very image of God. It is this God-like image within us that allows us to love, to be creative, to care for all that God has created ... and also to claim our Sabbath rest.

We who carry within our being the very image of a creative God are needed today to continue the work of Jesus as we enter into a new century and new millennium. May we face this new day with a new hope that is anchored in Jesus Christ and inspires us to both creativity and to sabbath rest.
