Happy Birthday!

Genesis 2:7
Acts 2:1-4

Happy Birthday!

Today we celebrate the birthday of the Christian Church. We find the story of that birth in the 2nd chapter of Acts when, on the day of Pentecost, the believers were gathered together in one place and God's Holy Spirit came upon them. ... Well, that's putting it too mildly ... Listen again to the way Luke describes the event: "...suddenly from heaven there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting."

It was like a tornado exploded into the building! But rather than bringing destruction, this powerful Spirit of God brought new life ... it brought the birth of the Christian Church!

We are told that every person present was touched by God's Spirit and their lives were changed.

Amazing things began to happen:

Image what it might be like in this place this morning, if during our sharing time some of you began to speak in French, in Portugese, in Korean, in Hausa, in Japanese. It could be confusing it, right? But, listen now, here is the amazing thing: those who were gathered together heard and understood each other in their native language. Now that is amazing!

Why, sometimes we have trouble understanding each other when we are speaking the same language! You are trying to share with me your point of view and I am hearing something totally different. But when we are filled with God's Spirit, there is understanding. That is amazing!

Other amazing things began to happen to these believers as well:

Why, we only had 117 persons baptized in this whole district last year! But imagine the impact on the church and the community -- this church and this community - if we were to devote ourselves to the teachings of Jesus and the fellowship of the church. All too often we turn to our newspapers, magazines, and television to teach us about life; and our fellowship finds its focus in many places other than the church. But when God's Spirit is present we devote ourselves to Christ and the Church. Amazing!

And if we were brave enough to venture into the closing verses of the 2nd chapter of Acts, we would find some other amazing things taking place in the Life of the Believers:

Amazing things begin to happen when God's people are touched by the power of God's Holy Spirit: The church is born in the 1st century and the church is born again and renewed in the 21st C.

Charles Bieber, former Northern Indiana District Executive, used to suggest that we can find in the book of Acts an important formula for the church. The formula goes something like this:

Ordinary People + The Touch of God = People of Power

I would remind you that the work of the church, in the 1st century and in the 21st century, is carried out by ordinary people. Jesus called fisherman and tax collectors among his disciples. Those believers gathered together on the day of Pentecost were ordinary people. But something happened to transform these ordinary people into people of power and that something was the touch of God. In the 2nd chapter of Acts that Touch of God came in a very powerful and dramatic way like the rush of a violent wind.

But I would remind you that God has also touched people in less powerful and dramatic ways as well. Do you remember the story of Elijah (1 Kings 19)? Elijah was instructed to go out and stand on the mountain and wait for the Lord to pass by.

God comes to us in many ways, but when God comes to us our lives are changed.

The same Hebrew word in the scriptures is translated into three different words: spirit, wind and breath. In the Genesis creation story (2:7) we read that "...the Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and the man became a living being." Whether God comes to you like a "breath of life" or like the "rush of a violent wind", God comes to bring you life and vitality ... to transform you from ordinary people formed from the dust of the ground into people of power who will indeed Continue the work of Jesus. Peacefully. Simply. Together.

And so on this Pentecost Sunday, I say: "Happy Birthday!" for today we remember and celebrate the birth of the church on that Pentecost Day some 2,000 years ago. The church whose ministry we continue today.

But there is another reason I wish you "Happy Birthday!" today. For this is also the birthday of this church, the Nappanee Church of the Brethren. Now before someone argues and reminds me of the 100th Anniversary you celebrated a few years ago, let me clarify what I mean.

Today, you are a new church. In fact, every time a new member joins this congregation, you are a new church. It doesn't take 3,000 new members in a single day to give birth to a new church - three is enough, or even one. Whenever new members become a part of this congregation, you have a new church ... even as when a new baby is born into a family, it brings change and the result is a new family unit.

So I say, "Happy Birthday!" for today is the birth of the new Nappanee Church of the Brethren!

Today, Paul and Betty bring their membership and their gifts to this congregation ... thus this is not the same church it was a week ago. In addition, Paul brings his own unique ministry gifts to the role of pastor of this congregation. Paul's life has also been touched by God -- not once, not twice, but many times ... and Paul continues to be touched by God, empowering him to speak God's word and allowing God to work through him to bring healing to people's broken lives.

I have known Paul and Betty for over 30 years. We were at Manchester College at the same time and then later at Bethany Seminary. Though we have never before served in the same district, I believe that you will come to appreciate Paul's gifts for ministry ... and Paul and Betty will learn to appreciate the gifts that each of you offer to the ministry of this congregation.

Today you are at a beginning, a birth moment, in your relationship as pastor and congregation. God is breathing the "breath of life" into this relationship to give it birth. In the weeks and months and years to come, there will be a need for nourishing this new relationship so that Paul can grow into the role as your pastor and, together, you will grow from birth to maturity as a church.

On the day of Pentecost, some amazing things began to happen in the life of the church.

It is my prayer today, on this Pentecost Sunday, that God's Spirit will likewise bring to you:

May that be God's Birthday Gift to you. Amen.


Sermon by Herman Kauffman
Installation of Paul Stauffer
Nappanee Church of the Brethren
June 3, 2001