Sermon by Herman Kauffman
Union Center Church of the Brethren
April 2, 2000


Genesis 17:1


On his first assignment as an auto-body trainee, Stan began work on a car needing a new fender and some door repairs. He spent hours doing a perfect job, but when the owner came to pick it up, he was not pleased. Baffled, Stan asked, "What's wrong?" Pointing to the side of the car, the man complained about the paint not matching, uneven gaps between panels, and a host of other problems. He demanded an explanation and refused to pay. "Well I don't know what to say," Stan replied, "except that the repairs I made were to the other side of the car!"

Have you ever been blamed for something that was not your fault? (Pause) I believe I see some heads nodding out there ... and its too early in the sermon for you to be sleeping ... so I'll take that to mean that Yes, we are sometimes blamed for that which is not our fault.

Well, have you ever refused to accept the blame when it is your fault? Have you ever heard statements like these (or maybe you've even said them yourself):

I'm sure we all know persons who refuse to accept responsibility for their actions. It is never their fault when they mess up - they always find someone else to blame.

And so it is that this first verse of the 17th chapter of Genesis caught my attention:

...the Lord appeared to Abram, and said to him,

"I AM God Almighty; walk before me, and be blameless ...

Reflect with me for a moment on Abram:

Now at the age of 99 - and the father of a teenage son - Abram again hears the Voice of God:

"I AM God Almighty; walk before me, and be blameless."

What does it mean to be Blameless Before God?

Have you ever sought to Obey God's Voice - but nothing went right?

The good life you expected in return for your obedience never fully materializes ... your life continues to be filled with heartache and conflict, and, the promises always seem to be just beyond your reach.

You are reminded that God is still with you and will be faithful - but you would like to see some measureable evidence of that; you become impatient and are tempted to do things your way?

I AM God Almighty; walk before me, and be blameless. And I will make my covenant between me and you, and will make you exceedingly numerous."

Then Abram fell on his face; and God said to him,

"As for me, this is my covenant with you:

You shall be the ancestor of

a multitude of nations.

No longer shall your name be Abram,

but your name shall be Abraham..."

Promises ... Promises ...

God said to Abraham,

"As for Sarah your wife, you shall not call her sarai

but Sarah shall be her name.

I will bless her, and moreover

I will give you a son by her ..."

But this time the promise is too much for Abraham - he falls on his face and laughed....

Abraham laughed at God...

... and if we were to "fast forward" the Story, we find that Sarah also laughs!

Abraham fell on his face and laughed ...

"Can a child be born to a man who is 100 years old?

Can Sarah, who is 90 years old, bear a child?"

Interesting question isn't it, Florence?

And Abraham makes this suggestion to God: "Let Ishmael be the child of promise."

But God says NO:

"No, your wife Sarah shall bear you a son

and you shall name him Isaac (meaning laughter).

I will establish my covenant with him

as an everlasting covenant

for his offspring after him.

And as the Story unfolds ... a son is born to Abraham and Sarah and they name him Isaac -

a name which means, literally, "He laughs" and indeed the last laugh was on Abraham for God is always faithful.

But return with me one more time to these words God spoke to Abram (and speaks to us):

"Walk before me, and be blameless."

How do we walk blameless before God?

I don't know about you ... but I am not blameless -

I am a sinner and though I may deny my blame ...

I know when I have failed to be obedient to the Voice of God.

Like Adam - in the earlier Genesis Story - I disobey and look to pass off the blame to someone else ... or to find an excuse: The devil made me do it!

How do I, how do we, walk blameless before God?

"God, I have sinned ... I am no longer worthy to be called your child."

God does not give up on me. God does not give up on us, even when we have given up on God.

The Good News in the Abraham Story does not come from Abraham's goodness. Abraham failed time and time again.

The Good News is that God was faithful. God's grace was extended to Abraham, even after Abraham laughed at God, even when Abraham has given up on God.

And the Good News for you and I this day is that God will not give up on us - God's grace is sufficient to make us blameless before God.

The Apostle Paul, writing to the Corinthian Church, says it this way:

I give thanks to my God always for you

because of the grace of God that has been given you

in Christ Jesus,

for in every way you have been enriched in him,

in speech and knowledge of every kind -

just as the testimony of Christ has been

strengthened among you -

so that you are not lacking in any spiritual gift

as you wait for the revealing of our Lord Jesus Christ.


He will also strengthen you to the end,

so that you may be blameless

on the day of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen